
The way you style your natural hair plays an important role in its overall health. Whether you like to wear wash and go’s or protective styles like mini twists, properly caring for your natural hair can be achieved with a multitude of styles. Listed below are a few natural hairstyles that can help to preserve the health of your hair, as well as promote and retain growth.

natural hairstyles
Photo Source: Unsplash Photos


Twists can be a highly beneficial hairstyle when it comes to attaining healthy natural hair. For one, twists can help to lock in moisture for up to days, as well as keep your ends protected. Not only are twists an easy style to do, they also require low manipulation which in turns means less breakage in the long run.

  • Mini twists
  • Passion twists
  • Senegalese twists
  • Two-strand twists
  • Three-strand twists
  • Twist-outs
  • Flat twists


Braids have been around since the beginning of time and are so popular because they can be worn in such a vast number of ways. Cornrows, box braids, and braid-outs, are just a few examples of braided protective styles that can help to retain length. Braids can also be worn as a low manipulation style and help to prevent breakage. Just try to make sure that your braided styles are not done too tightly. 

  • Box braids
  • Fulani braids
  • Cornrows
  • Feed-in braids
  • Ghana braids
  • Braided bun

Weaves, Wigs, Clip-ins, etc. 

Weaves, wigs, and other hair extensions, allow you to switch up your look at any time and are a way to express yourself. They may be worn as a protective style and can be useful for retaining length as long as your natural hair is adequately taken care of and moisturized underneath. Low manipulation encourages less breakage and ultimately results in more length retention.

Headwraps & Scarves 

These hair accessories are a quick and easy protective style that can be worn in a variety of fashions and designs. Not only do headwraps protect the ends and nape of your hair, they also protect your hair from any harsh environmental elements that may be out during the day. There are an array of videos detailing the different ways you can style your headwraps and scarves.

natural hairstyles Images

Bantu Knots 

Although more intricate, Bantu knots can be used in the creation of many beautiful designs and natural hairstyles. They protect the ends of your hair as well as the nape. These two areas of your hair are prone to breakage due to the constant friction from rubbing against clothing.

Buns & Puffs 

 A go-to style for many naturals, buns and puffs are a quick yet beneficial protective style. They can aid in the promotion of length retention as they require less manipulation. Additionally, these natural hairstyles don’t involve the use of heat which helps to prevent possible further damage to your strands. To add to this, it is best to wear your natural hairstyles in moderation to prevent breakage. For example, wearing buns and puffs everyday can eventually create thinning around the edges from the constant pulling and tension. Alternate between styles from time to time.

Wash and Go’s

Wash and go’s can actually be good for some naturals. The reason being is because you are applying moisture to your strands more often. This can help to improve manageability, lessen tangles, and strengthen your strands. Applying a leave-in conditioner, then your styling product, followed by a sealing oil can help to keep this moisture sealed in with wash and go styling.

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