Hot Oil Treatments for Hair: What You Need to Know

You have probably heard of or seen the numerous videos of hot oil treatments for natural hair. The results feature shiny, soft, and moisturized looking strands. But what exactly are hot oil treatments doing for your hair, and what are the benefits? Here is what you need to know:

hot oil treatments for natural hair

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How to do a hot oil treatment for hair:

This process involves a combination of oils of your choosing. After you have mixed your oils together, you are going to place the blend in some form of a container (bowl, jar, etc.). Then, place the container in another bowl or pot of hot water that you have previously boiled. Do not heat your oils in the microwave. This will strip the natural oils of many of their nutrients.

When you go to apply the hot oil treatment, make sure it is not too hot but instead at a warm temperature comfortable to the touch. You also want to apply the hot oil treatment onto damp hair. With your heated hot oil mixture, you can use an applicator bottle for a more thorough coverage. However, your hands work just as well. Separate your hair into sections to better reach the scalp and your strands.

As you apply the treatment, make sure to thoroughly apply the oils to your ends to alleviate dryness and brittleness. You may also want to massage the oils throughout your scalp to stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles in an effort to promote growth. After all of your hair is saturated with the treatment, place your hair in a shower cap. Then, sit under a hooded hair dryer for at least 30 minutes.

You can leave the treatment on overnight if desired, for super soft hair the next day. Either way, after you have sat under the dryer, rinse out the hot oil treatment with lukewarm to cool water. This will help to keep the hair cuticle smooth and finish the result off soft and shiny.  

hot oil treatments for natural hair

Oils to use for the treatment:

While most oils provide a variation of nourishment for our hair, there are some that can be very beneficial to use for your hot oil treatment. There are a select few oils that are able to penetrate the hair shaft and moisturize the hair with the help of water. The majority of oils typically serve as moisture sealants.

Essential oils are higher in concentration and derived from natural extracts, commonly plants. They provide many stimulating benefits but will need to be diluted with a carrier oil. Here are some examples of healthful oils to use in hot oil treatments for natural hair:

Moisturizing oils: Avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil

Stimulating oils: Peppermint oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil

Oils that help to seal moisture: Jamaican black castor oil, jojoba oil, argan oil

Click here to check out a detailed list of the best oils for natural hair:

What do hot oil treatments do for natural hair?

If your natural hair always seems to be dry, incorporating routine hot oil treatments in your regimen can help to alleviate dryness. These treatments are beneficial for both the winter and summer seasons, helping to retain moisture and softness, as well as limit frizz.

The blend of both moisturizing and sealing oils creates the perfect combination for dry natural hair. Moisturizing oils like olive oil are able to seep through the hair shaft and provide moisture, while sealing oils follow up to seal and retain moisture.

Additionally, an itchy or dry scalp can be alleviated with the help of hot oil treatments, as they provide numerous nutrients directly to the scalp and hair follicles. Many of these oils also help to stimulate hair growth. So, with continued hot oil treatments for natural hair can create stronger and healthier strands.  

hot oil treatments for natural hair
Bigstock Photos

The benefits of hot oil treatments:

  • Softer, shinier hair
  • Stronger strands
  • Promotes good scalp health
  • Provides a stronger foundation for hair growth
  • Can alleviate brittle ends
  • Puts excessively dry hair at bay


Have you tried doing a hot oil treatment before? If so, would you try it again?

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